
Category: Child Custody

When it Comes to Divorce, Who Speaks for the Children? December 2nd, 2024

Divorce significantly affects children, often resulting in substantial changes to their daily lives and emotional well-being. Children may find themselves relocating to a new home, adapting to new routines, and splitting their time between parents. With divorce, there might be limited access to friends, grandparents, and other relatives, disrupting established relationships and support systems. Social …

Helping Children Manage Back-to-School August 1st, 2024

Mid-summer means that going back to school is around the corner, and these transitions can be challenging for children under any circumstances. Any change involving new routines and social settings can impact a child, and the addition of academics makes it even harder. These transitions become even more complex when a family is going through …

What Happens When Our Kids Graduate? Navigating Post-Divorce Support May 22nd, 2024

Divorce is a life-altering event that affects not only the couple but also their children. A divorce decree, whether after a trial or a settlement between the parties will include provisions for custody and support of the children, but parents often wonder about their responsibilities once the kids reach adulthood and graduate from high school. …

Supervised Visitation in Maryland March 25th, 2024

When family strife is out of control, children often get caught in the middle, which can be highly traumatic. Ensuring the safety and well-being of children should always be a priority, but sometimes, the parents can’t provide this without help. For families navigating through separation or divorce, maintaining a healthy relationship between the child and …

Vacation Schedules For Divorced Parents February 28th, 2024

Every parent has to plan their lives around the many vacations of their children. Whether it’s childcare, celebrations, or travel, planning for these times can present a real challenge. When a couple split up, the calculations can get even more complicated, especially when the parents are no longer getting along. The well-being of the children …

Can I Move My Child Out of State? September 18th, 2023

When the need or opportunity arises, adults can find themselves moving to another state. This is particularly likely in Maryland, which borders four other states and the District of Columbia. This decision can be more complicated if there are children in the mix, particularly if there is shared custody with another parent. Maryland has very …

Will Marijuana Legalization Affect Child Custody in Maryland? July 19th, 2023

As of July 1, 2023, marijuana has been legalized for recreational use in Maryland, so parents may question whether this will impact a custody case. Unfortunately, the answer is not as clear as the change in state criminal law. As with many factors that a judge looks at to decide custodial rights in Maryland, legal …

Managing Back to School Challenges August 29th, 2022

When a family is split by divorce, any life transition presents potential pitfalls, and starting a new school year is no different. The kids may be enrolling in a new school, trying out a new after-school activity, or simply need to submit documentation like permission slips or immunization records. For example, in Montgomery County Maryland, …

National Parents’ Day July 20th, 2022

In 1994, the US Congress passed a law declaring the fourth Sunday of July to be National Parents’ Day – a day to celebrate this role in the lives of children, young and old. The day is intended to recognize outstanding parents who act as role models and to promote responsible parenting. When the relationship …

Child Support When the Situation Has Changed June 22nd, 2022

Whether it’s a divorce or a dispute between unmarried parents, child support is one of the most critical ways that Maryland Family Courts have the power to ensure children get the care they need. It is one of those terms that gets used a lot, but not everyone understands the basics of child support. Some …

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