
Author: Lloyd Malech

Malech Law is located in downtown Bethesda, Maryland. For more than 25 years, Mr. Malech has provided aggressive and effective representation for his clients in Maryland and the District of Columbia. He has been honored with the Lawyers of Distinction Award Recognizing Excellence in the Area of Divorce and Family Law for the past three consecutive years and has just been recognized as a Family Law Top 10 Attorney for 2021 by “Attorney and Practice Magazine.” Visit Malechlaw.com or call (202) 441-2107

When it Comes to Divorce, Who Speaks for the Children? December 2nd, 2024

Divorce significantly affects children, often resulting in substantial changes to their daily lives and emotional well-being. Children may find themselves relocating to a new home, adapting to new routines, and splitting their time between parents. With divorce, there might be limited access to friends, grandparents, and other relatives, disrupting established relationships and support systems. Social …

Help! My Ex Won’t Sign the Papers November 6th, 2024

The end of a marriage can be filled with challenging emotions and turmoil. After all, the couple has reached a point where they want different things, and this usually includes the issues covered in a divorce, such as property distribution, child custody and support, and spousal support. In some instances, one person is less ready …

Can I have a Legal Separation in Maryland? October 30th, 2024

“Legal separation” is a type of marital status in which a couple does not go through a formal divorce but lives separately. As of October 2023, there is no legal separation in Maryland. However, some key concepts that arise when a couple is considering living separately still exist. Understanding your rights, obligations, and potential liability while …

Grandparents in a Divorce: Navigating Legal Rights and Supporting Grandkids October 1st, 2024

Divorce is a challenging and emotional process, not just for the couple involved but for the entire family, including grandparents, who often play a significant role in their grandchildren’s lives. In Maryland, divorces and grandparent/child relationships are important considerations when making custodial decisions. However, facts and circumstances play a critical role in deciding whether to award  reasonable …

The Importance of a Prenuptial Agreement for People Getting Married Again September 15th, 2024

Entering a second marriage can be a joyous occasion filled with new beginnings and built on lessons learned. However, it also comes with unique challenges that aren’t typically present in first marriages. A prenuptial agreement can help both partners navigate these complexities with clarity and peace of mind. Rather than hope for the best, a …

Helping Children Manage Back-to-School August 1st, 2024

Mid-summer means that going back to school is around the corner, and these transitions can be challenging for children under any circumstances. Any change involving new routines and social settings can impact a child, and the addition of academics makes it even harder. These transitions become even more complex when a family is going through …

Cures for the Summertime Custody Blues July 8th, 2024

Parenting in the summertime is always a challenge since it requires adjusting to the disruption in the ordinary school year routine. Still, co-parenting makes planning and implementing a successful summer particularly difficult. Even if the relationship between the parents is cordial, the compressed 10+ weeks of summer involve multiple things like managing schedules, travel, and …

How to Celebrate the Other Parent’s Special Days June 6th, 2024

Recently, we celebrated Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day around the corner. It can be challenging to deal with these special days when parents are not together due to separation or divorce; the other parent may be the focus of the day, and it’s impossible to simply ignore the holiday. Here are three simple strategies to …

What Happens When Our Kids Graduate? Navigating Post-Divorce Support May 22nd, 2024

Divorce is a life-altering event that affects not only the couple but also their children. A divorce decree, whether after a trial or a settlement between the parties will include provisions for custody and support of the children, but parents often wonder about their responsibilities once the kids reach adulthood and graduate from high school. …

What Does A Family Lawyer Do? April 26th, 2024

It may seem like the name says it all, but family law is a multifaceted field that encompasses various aspects of legal practice. An experienced family law attorney provides services and knowledge in areas that affect the core of family life. A family law attorney must possess a comprehensive knowledge of legal principles and an …

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