
Category: Child Support

When it Comes to Divorce, Who Speaks for the Children? December 2nd, 2024

Divorce significantly affects children, often resulting in substantial changes to their daily lives and emotional well-being. Children may find themselves relocating to a new home, adapting to new routines, and splitting their time between parents. With divorce, there might be limited access to friends, grandparents, and other relatives, disrupting established relationships and support systems. Social …

Cures for the Summertime Custody Blues July 8th, 2024

Parenting in the summertime is always a challenge since it requires adjusting to the disruption in the ordinary school year routine. Still, co-parenting makes planning and implementing a successful summer particularly difficult. Even if the relationship between the parents is cordial, the compressed 10+ weeks of summer involve multiple things like managing schedules, travel, and …

Supervised Visitation in Maryland March 25th, 2024

When family strife is out of control, children often get caught in the middle, which can be highly traumatic. Ensuring the safety and well-being of children should always be a priority, but sometimes, the parents can’t provide this without help. For families navigating through separation or divorce, maintaining a healthy relationship between the child and …

Child Support When the Situation Has Changed June 22nd, 2022

Whether it’s a divorce or a dispute between unmarried parents, child support is one of the most critical ways that Maryland Family Courts have the power to ensure children get the care they need. It is one of those terms that gets used a lot, but not everyone understands the basics of child support. Some …

Child Support Laws for Maryland Parents March 24th, 2022

Parents in Maryland are financially responsible for their children until they reach the reach the age of majority, which is 18 or if they are 18 and still in high school, until graduation. Both parents are expected to contribute to  their children’s health, education, and maintenance.  These responsibilities exist whether the parents are married to …

Child Custody and Visitation in Maryland February 24th, 2022

When it comes to family law in Maryland, few issues are more sensitive and potentially controversial than child custody. Loving, caring for, and supporting children is rewarding, demanding and highly personal, so when parents disagree, it’s a recipe for a major battle. The Circuit Courts in Maryland and the District of Columbia as well as …

Help! My Kids are Being Poisoned Against Me November 19th, 2021

When a marriage breaks up, hard feelings between the spouses often bleed over into their relationships with their children. After all, they are a living, breathing, painful reminder of the end of the marriage. Issues of legal and physical custody, and child support create an ongoing obligation to interact with the very person the divorce …

How Do We Co-Parent in a Divorce? April 9th, 2021

One of the most important issues that arise when a couple decides to divorce is how to restructure parenting their children. Instead of a family home with shared responsibilities, divorce presents a new frontier, and the transition is not an easy one. In Maryland, divorces are governed by Family Law and court regulations, which now …

What Do I Do If My Ex is Putting My Child at Risk? March 1st, 2021

If you are witnessing abuse to your child going on right in front of you, call 911 immediately.  However, if your situation is not as immediate, but you have good reason to suspect that your ex is putting your child at risk, here are some steps you can take to protect your child(ren). Call Child Protective Services …

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